How to manage stress as a new mum

How to manage stress as a new mum

The joy that fills your heart when you carry your newborn for the first time is often unexplainable. You just can’t find the appropriate words to express how you feel about this bundle of joy you have been gifted with.    With all the excitement also comes the fear of the unknown. You may be asking…

The joy that fills your heart when you carry your newborn for the first time is often unexplainable. You just can’t find the appropriate words to express how you feel about this bundle of joy you have been gifted with.   

With all the excitement also comes the fear of the unknown. You may be asking yourself if you will be able to take care of your baby as you should. You may ask how will you be able to cope with other life’s demands? You sometimes fear the transition and all of these can make you feel stressed.  

This is normal to an extent since it is a new phase of life for you and you have become a mother for the very first time in your life.   

Stress is worry, strain or pressure that you feel in response to things that happen in your life.  

A new baby brings a major transition screaming into your life. And all you need do is to look for ways to effectively manage this transition and the stress that comes with this bundle of joy.  

Discussed in this article are ways to effectively manage stress as a new mum.  

1. Go easy on yourself  

As much as possible, you need to go easy on yourself in this new phase. Nurturing a newborn is filled with its ups and downs and you must brace up for this.  

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, when you make mistakes even as you care for your newborn, accept it and move on as you can only get better in the process.  

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that caring for a newborn baby is hard!  All new parents experience the same demands and dilemmas so try to feel comfortable in the fact that you’re far from being alone. Take one day at a time, congratulate yourself on things you accomplish and go easy on yourself when things don’t go as you imagined.  

The stress of nurturing a newborn tends to reduce after the first six weeks when your baby may start to settle into a routine with feeding and sleeping (although some may take a little longer).   

Taking things easy on yourself and allowing yourself to learn through the process helps you manage stress as a new mum.  

2. Rest, rest and rest!  

Quality rest is an inevitable requirement for every mother and if you must manage stress as a new mum, you need to get enough rest on a daily basis.   

To manage the stress that comes with being a new mum, you need to get as much rest as you can, wherever and whenever you can. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Grab a quick nap whenever there is a need to do so.   

Depriving yourself of quality rest as a nursing mum can lead to increased stress and this can have an effect on your health and that of your baby since the newborn depends on you for everything.  

3. Ask for and accept help from trusted individuals  

A newborn is a bundle of joy that everyone wants to be associated with. There are always people around you who will be willing to help you settle into this new phase well.  

To manage the stress that comes with being a new mum, you need to ask for help from those around you and also accept help from trusted individuals. They can be your friends, parents, siblings, or even your spouse.   

The earlier you accept the fact that you can’t take care of this newborn and still attend to other things seeking your attention all alone, the better for you.   

You want to effectively manage stress as a new mum? Ask for help and accept help from trusted individuals only.  

4. Create time to be with your spouse

Being in the company of the love of your life is one of the surest ways to relieve and manage stress as a new mum.   

When you spend quality time with your spouse, you are able to give expression to your worries as a new mum, you are able to be cared for even as you care for your newborn.  

Don’t deprive yourself of quality alone-time with your spouse because, if the truth is said, you knew him before you knew your newborn.  

If you’re thinking of the best way to manage and relieve stress as a new mum, don’t allow your newborn to deprive you of quality time with your spouse.   

5. Spend time with others  

Spending time in the company of others can be a great stress reliever. As a new mum, you should take time out to be with friends, family and loved ones. If you can’t go visiting, you can invite them over. Doing this gives you time to unwind, relax and manage stress effectively.  

Engage in fun activities, hobbies, hang out with friends and family and see how your stress melts away as a result of loved ones around you.  

 Also, meeting other mums who have babies of similar age to yours and who are going through shared experiences can help you feel less on your own and establish a valuable support network.  

A new baby brings a major transition screaming into your life. And all you need do is to look for ways to effectively manage this transition and the stress that comes with this bundle of joy.  

Do well to enjoy this beautiful journey of motherhood!