Here’s why everyone should honour a new mum’s request not to kiss her baby

Here’s why everyone should honour a new mum’s request not to kiss her baby

If you’re not new to babies, you might have already heard someone tell you to not kiss newborn babies. Back then, that advice might not make sense to you and might even be difficult to do because who does not kiss cute babies? But if you are reading this article now because you’re a new…

If you’re not new to babies, you might have already heard someone tell you to not kiss newborn babies. Back then, that advice might not make sense to you and might even be difficult to do because who does not kiss cute babies?

But if you are reading this article now because you’re a new mum and want to finally understand the meaning of that rule, you’re in for a ride.

The no-kissing-newborns rule is not at all about being selfish with your kid. There are a lot of health concerns that can result from kissing newborns on the face.

In this article, we will tackle all the need-to-knows about kissing newborns on the face and how you can politely tell your family, most especially the grandmother, to keep off of your baby’s face.

The risks of kissing newborns

Yes, their cheeks are unbelievably fluffy, and sometimes you’re not going to be satisfied with a kiss but with a light bite.

Don’t be surprised. That happens. Unfortunately, no matter how difficult it is to keep off of your baby’s face, you have to maintain your distance.

Yes, you read that right. Even you, as the parent, should take precautions when you’re kissing your baby.

Your baby’s immune system is not as strong as you would like it to be by the time they come out of you. So, abstaining from kissing your baby is going to save them from future health concerns.

What are these health concerns, you ask? Let’s talk about them.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

If you or any of your family members or friends have had a cold recently and decide to kiss your newborn, the transmission of the virus is not the same as when they’re passed on between same-aged individuals.

Remember: Your little one’s immune system is not super strong yet. So, even just a quick contact with a person who has had colds recently can easily cause RSV in children.

What happens when newborns get RSV? They can have severe breathing problems, which no one wants.

So, what can we do? At all costs, whether you are sure or not if the person has had colds, do not let them kiss your baby.

Cold sores

Knowing about cold sores and what they mean for your newborn is going to change your whole perspective about kissing babies because the impact of getting your newborn infected with cold sores through kissing is for life.

The virus that spreads from a person with a cold sore to a newborn baby gets stuck in the baby’s system. So, while you might be able to resolve it the first time it comes around, it’s going to happen a second time.

What does infection by cold sores look like? They are going to look like small blisters on your baby’s lips. Then, they will eventually spread to the rest of their face.

So, if you want to avoid this lifetime impact of cold sores from a person with cold sores, do not let them kiss your baby.

Food allergies

You’ll never know what someone ate before they kiss your baby. And, not all of your family members or friends are aware of what your baby is allergic to.

Sometimes, it’s not even what they ate but what products they’re wearing. Some lipsticks have gluten which some babies may be allergic to.

So, to avoid the whole awkward family or friend reunion after them infecting your baby with food allergies, do not let them kiss your newborn.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease

This is a pretty common disease that happens to children below 10. It causes ulcers and rashes around the baby’s hands, feet, and mouth, which can get quite uncomfortable for your baby.

It’s not life-threatening for most babies, but it can be for babies with weaker immune systems. And babies can catch this hand, foot and mouth disease from having physical contact with other adults.

‘Kissing’ disease

Another irreparable effect of kissing babies is the ‘kissing’ disease or mononucleosis. It’s a disease that can be passed on to the baby through saliva, often through kissing.

You will notice your baby having this disease when they have a sore throat, fever, fatigue, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and vomiting.

The sad thing about this disease is that it has no cure. When your baby is infected with mono, you can just hope their system can flush out the infection on its own.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to prohibit your family and friends from kissing your baby. Take note that some of these infections or diseases are incurable.

So, the next time you are with family and feel awkward telling them to back off of your baby, remember these five conditions that your baby might be at risk of if you do not gather up the guts to tell them: “Do not kiss my baby on the lips.”

Original article: Here’s why everyone should honour a new mum’s request not to kiss her baby 

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